Scarred by the Somme


Scarred by the Somme

We've received some great attention for our upcoming Fringe Festival performance.  This year is the centenary of the battle of the Somme during WWI.


Echoes Recap


Echoes Recap

I wanted to share how fortunate I feel and how proud I am to work with the wonderful musicians of Table Top Opera. Matthew and I enjoyed a very inspired performance by our players this past week and we would like to share it with you.


TTO Live

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TTO Live

I've been working on versions of our two recent Rochester Fringe shows, Kindertotenlieder and Echoes of '64, trying to capture some of the experience of the live performance in a more shareable form.  Here are the hybrid results, pairing rendered visuals with the recorded audio.  Enjoy!

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Echoes v.2


Echoes v.2

TTO is happy to announce that we will be performing Echoes of '64 again in Rochester later this month. We have reworked many visual aspects of the show including a new opening and quite a few new photos of Duke Ellington.
